1, Use lino to cover the floor of your hutch or cage, this makes cleaning it much easier and stops wee from soaking into the wood. Then cover with just newspaper and follow tip 2.
2, Use a cat litter tray, lined with newspaper and hay, the buns will use this for toileting and make it easier to clean them out and more hygenic for them.
3, In hot weather keep pop bottles of water in the freezer over night and during the day pop them in the hutch or run so the buns can lean against them to keep cool. Also offer slices of melon, the buns love to suck on it.
4, Long haired buns are more prone to fur balls from grooming themselves, give them a tablespoon of pure pineapple juice to help the fur move through their system.
5, For buns with dull coats, give them a handful of porrage oats a day, you will be amazed at how it makes the coat shine.
6, If your bun constantly suffers from a sticky bum, stop all veg and dry food and put onto a hay only diet for 2 weeks, then slowely add back the food, a little at a time.
7, Cover the wire mesh doors of hutches with a fine net curtain to keep out flies during the summer, it will not stop light or air flow. Clean out litter trays daily to also reduce flies.
8, To prevent bottles from freezing in winter, cover them with two socks.
9, To help prevent dental problems and selective feeding, use a good quality pellet, it must be high in fibre and low in protein, we recommend Supreme Science Selective. If your pet shop does not stock it you can ask them to order it in, or if you live near us we can supply it.
10, To clean up dried wee stains on the lino or litter trays use white vinigar, leave to soak for 15 mins then wash off.
11, For cleaning hutches and litter trays etc, dilute 1 part white vinigar to 5 parts water and put in a spray bottle, cheaper and more effective than shop bought sprays.
12, For a single lonely, ill or elderly rabbit, consider giving him/her a stuffed animal as a friend. The stuffed toy should not have any buttons, eyes, ribbons that can be chewed off and swallowed, and the stuffing should be a firm to hard-packed stuffing material. Do not give a rabbit a stuffed toy that contains beans, pellets or sawdust as the filler.
13, If having a house bunny or regularly bringing your bun indoors, make sure all wires are covered with plastic trunking as they can bite through cables very quickly.
14, If feeding your buns apples make sure you remove the pips as they are toxic.
15, Hot tips from Sarah Brady.
instead of the sugary treats sold in pet shops I've found my
bunnies love to nibble on a bit of oatcake.
a lot of bunnies love to sleep on comfy rugs or blankets so
including one in their sleeping pen is a good idea and
if its a new bunny using an old tee-shirt or likewise
that smells of you allows said bunny to get used to
your scent in the non-threatening environment of their
pen! (and also possibly make them associate your smell
with comfort!)
If you have any "hot tips" that you think may benefit other bunnies, then please email them to me. Thanks