Photo's of our other pets.


Photo Gallery

This page is dedicated to all our other pets that live with us.

This is how Garfield spends most of his day. He is a 1yr old male persian cat.

The other side of Garfield. He likes to keep an eye on the buns.

Sassy is a short haired exotic female, she is 3yrs old and likes a snooze on the sofa. She also likes to chase garfield around the house.

Sassy making herself more comfortable.

Charlie the cute king charles cavalier, he is nearly 4 yrs old and loves walkies!!

Rosie the ruby cavalier, she is nearly 5 yrs old and hates walkies, but loves sleepies lol

Meet 4 month old Basil the mac snow leopard gecko, isnt he cute.

Sybil is a 1yr old leopard gecko, she is such a sweatheart.

This is Brenda and Puddsie a pair of young bearded dragons. They had just had a bath and were enjoying some playtime.

Victor Meldrew is an adult male yemen chameleon, he is a very grumpy bugger but we love him.

This is one of my two yellow bellied slider turtles, they are only babies.

Jack and Vera are a pair of budgies. Jack is very lazy and when hes hungry he chatters to vera until she goes to the feeder and fills her beak with seed then feeds it to jack.

This is a 5ft tank that my two turtles live in, they love to bask under the heat lamp on their floating island.

Tis tropical tank has my endler guppys and some corys.

This is 2 of my 32 hermit crabs having a rest on their cocohut

Garfield and Sassy waiting patiently for Sybil to come out of her cave.

The viv where my sons bearded dragons live, Roxy and Rexy

We also have a pair of russian hamsters and a single syrian hamster. My youngest son also has a fishtank of mollies and a viv with 2 sandfish.